UCEPS AT|Testing and Certification|Inspection and insurance|Tahografe and GLONASS|The LIC plate and sprts designed|Examination, ATP, ADR|Калькулятор ЭПТС

Inspection and insurance - March 2021

News for the selected period of Found… We offer the most interesting read.

  • Inspection for 200 rubles!

    Dear clients and partners! Attention ! Promotion! With 23.01.2017 for 28.02.2017, the Cost of inspection with the discount: M1 - 200 RUB M2 - 400 RUB., N1 - 300 RUB. …

  • Motorists run the risk of getting rediagnostic

    Recently, changes were made in the diagnostic card, and soon will toughen requirements for operators of inspection, making the procedure of inspection documented photo and video fixation. …

  • The creation of the Ural Association of the enterprises

    The creation of the Ural Association of the enterprises of automobile business was a huge success. In the first month the number of members …


    Rosstandart checks German car makers …

  • The ruts on the roads: who is responsible?

    Surely, everyone knows what track is on the motor road. This deepening, flat tyre of the car. Gauge is often significantly interfere with normal traffic. Many people mistakenly believe that the rutting is a natural process that cannot be avoided. Whether so it actually? And which still forms a track? …

  • Attention! Fake certificates!

    When checking the submitted documents it was revealed that the certificate has traces of forgery in terms of changes in details of the artist and certificate expires. …