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Sign Thorns and the new rules of the road: what you need to know?


It's not such a strange question, as it seems at first glance. It is important to remember: the "Spikes" sign not only informs other road users that in winter you are using tires equipped with studs of anti-skid. The sign warns that due to the presence of thorns in the tire tread the braking distance of your car on a slippery road can be significantly shorter than other drivers think. And, consequently, it makes sense for all of them to keep away from you in a literal sense, that is, at an increased distance, so that in case of your sharp braking you simply do not crash into you from behind.

In addition, since tire tread milling is still performed in different ways (both by the tire manufacturer itself and more often by third parties and individual entrepreneurs, which affects the quality of the misfiring), but also that, as the operation is used, the studs wear nests in the tread blocks , in which they are installed, the flight of spikes from under the wheels in front of the traveling cars is still an ordinary but frequent phenomenon. So, fellow travelers traveling behind you should warn: if they do not want to get a solid object in the windshield, identical to the notorious "pebble", then again they should keep from them at a more respectful distance.



Yes, now it's mandatory. By the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation (No. 333 of March 24, 2017), the absence of the "Ship" sign is included in the number of "malfunctions", in which the use of vehicles with moored tires is prohibited. Consequently, starting from April 4, any auto inspector who did not find this sign on such a car could not just write you a fine of 500 rubles (having incriminated you violation of clause 12.5 part 1 of the Code of Administrative Violations - failure to comply with the conditions for ensuring road safety), in his the authorities simply forbid you to move on to you - until the corresponding "fault" is eliminated, that is until you place the missing sign on the rear window.



Another possible trouble can become a "makeweight" to another - when someone crashed into your car from behind. As already mentioned, the sign "Thorns" warns the one who is driving behind you, that the braking distance of your car can be much shorter than that of him. Accordingly, if there is no such warning, the traffic police officer can easily recognize the guilt of a mutual, no matter how you poke him and another participant in the traffic accident (paragraph 9.10 on the need to maintain distance). And what does it mean when you continue to communicate with the insurance company, it is too much, probably, to explain.



If your car does not have misleading (or neshipuemye) winter tires, the presence or absence of the sign "Thorns" does not concern you - at least for now. It is possible that after some time, the legislator will return to this issue from the submission of the traffic police. In principle, it will be logical: like spikes, the "lip system" on the treads is designed to fight against sliding on the winter road, and, therefore, to reduce the braking distance in case of emergency braking.

Now about the seasonal factor. The only rule you need to know is that the "Spikes" sign on your machine should appear in sync with the appearance of the faulty tires on it. However, it is worth remembering that the operation of summer tires in Russia is legally banned from December to February, as, incidentally, and driving on tires with spikes from June to August inclusive. The rest of the time is a period that is at the discretion of the driver himself, who must be guided by climatic conditions. In addition, the will of the local legislator is provided, which may by regional law increase the duration of the prohibition of exploitation based on climatic conditions of the area. The duration of winter in the Krasnodar Territory and the Urals, you will agree, is somewhat different.

The resolution does not provide for the responsibility of the driver for the presence of the sign "Thorns" on the rear window in the absence of spikes on his wheels. This means that if you did not remove this sign for the summer period, no one will punish you. So it's not necessary to suffer and unstick it to return in six months, or even in a couple of months. We would even strongly recommend it to everyone, despite the season and preferences in the type of winter tires. Who knows, maybe the warning that you are "on the thorns" and you have a corresponding stopping distance will save you from unnecessary trouble on the road?


Is it possible to make this sign on your own?

It is important to know that the sign "Thorns" must comply with the regulatory requirements for its implementation and use. It is a sign in the form of an equilateral triangle of white color, with a peak upwards with a border of red color, into which the letter "Ш" of black color is inscribed. The side of the triangle must be at least 200 mm, and the width of the rim is equal to 1/10 of the side of the triangle.

It is also important not to forget about the appearance of the sign - because you do not hang it for yourself, but for other participants in the movement. It should be located behind the vehicle, it is clearly visible from a distance of not less than 20 meters, including at night, which should also always be remembered. If the rear window of your car is toned, then the sign should be glued to the outside.

In general, if you can provide these requirements, then the Internet to help you - there you can find and print an image of a sign of quite acceptable quality. In this sense, it's easier for residents of big cities, where there are firms full, where you will quickly and cheaply manufacture any sign and a sticker to order. On the other hand, residents of smaller settlements may not even meet the rush demand for this rather specific product: it is surely brought to the local "Rospechat" in sufficient quantities.


What else is important to know?

The requirement for the presence of the sign "Thorns" on the car concerns all drivers without exception. But the fact is that this is not the only sign that mentioned RFP No. 333 became mandatory for the admission of vehicles to operation.Beginning on April 4, 2017, the car can not be used if, depending on the circumstances, there are also no signs on it: "Autotrain", "Transport of children", "Deaf driver", "Training vehicle", "Speed ​​limit", "Dangerous" cargo "," Bulky cargo "," Low-speed vehicle "," Long-distance vehicle "," Beginner driver ".

Most of these signs are special. For example, the sign "Carriage of children" refers only to buses, and the sign "Long-distance vehicle" - as a rule, hangs on cargo transport. It is important to pay attention to the sticker "Beginner driver", if your driving experience is less than two years. Checking your rights and not finding the appropriate sign on your car, the traffic police inspector will fine you and forbid you to go further.

All that is said here is not the whim of the legislator, but measures aimed at ensuring road safety.

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