UCEPS AT|Testing and Certification|Inspection and insurance|Tahografe and GLONASS|The LIC plate and sprts designed|Examination, ATP, ADR|Калькулятор ЭПТС

Inspection and insurance - May 2017

News for the selected period of Found… We offer the most interesting read.

  • Regional Representative INCOTEX

    18.12.2013. The group of companies UCEPS at and the INCOTEX Group of companies came to the agreement on necessity of opening of the regional office INCOTEX …

  • Promotion for the lady driver!

    This year we want to please the lady a pleasant surprise – the technical inspection of the car queue at a 20% discount !!! …

  • A reasonable time of field inspection

    15.12.2015. Schedule of field inspection is agreed within 1 day after application …

  • CTP contract: latest from the experts

    The system of compulsory motor third-party insurance since the beginning of its operation in the country raises a number of questions from the owners of the cars. …

  • Register vehicle manufacturers | UCEPS at Group of companies

    As you know, every vehicle manufacturer prepares the vehicle passport (PTS), and tractors, self-propelled vehicles, snowmobiles, etc. – passport self-propelled machines and other types of machines (PSM). …

  • Stole license plates from vehicle

    Replacement of stolen numbers only recently ceased to be a problem for car owners. And if before the unlucky motorists pay a huge amount to the kidnappers, what would the number returned, then today simplified the procedure for restoring license plates leaves thieves without earnings. …