UCEPS AT|Testing and Certification|Inspection and insurance|Tahografe and GLONASS|The LIC plate and sprts designed|Examination, ATP, ADR|Калькулятор ЭПТС

The weaning or withdrawal of money varies depending on the circumstances

Big money can only steal!

And earn?

And you can only earn Shura ...

"The Golden Calf" by I. Ilf and Petrov


How long ago did you come to the point vehicle inspection? Do not you remember? But the diagnostic card, popularly referred to as "safety standards", you have. How did it happen? Oh yeah ... you simply got into the insurance company for an additional fee. And if you are thinking that thereby supported swindlers and crooks.


Why the technical inspection of vehicles as a business fiasco? There are many answers to this question. Firstly, the formation of professionals with highly directional officially work in this area, which provides an excellent opportunity scammers fraudulently gain access to the credentials of operators and enter data on their behalf. Secondly, numerous phishing resources daily steal inspection operators thousands of data. Third, this inaction of law enforcement bodies, to buy the diagnostic card is already possible at any kiosk with shawarma. Fourth, it is the demand for illegal inspection.


According to statistics, 62% of car owners are not even aware that a technical inspection in Yekaterinburg THEN line is not more than 498 rubles, and buy from the insurer, so to speak, "complete with a policy CTP", while spending 1000-2000 rubles. This produces lime paper. Why lime, you ask? She is in the database EAISTO! Not so simple, my friend.


On January 1, 2017 changed the diagnostic card number with 21-digit to 15-digit.

Now the first 5 digits - a technical inspection of the operator number. For example, the number of diagnostic cards registered in EAISTO 054250131700039 refers to the operator under the number 05425. The site PCA find information about the operator, that number company "IL DLC Vehicle", the company's address and the scope of accreditation. Test your diagnostic card and if we assume you live in Ekaterinburg and address of inspection points is, for example, in Kaliningrad, you should start to panic ...

Always remember that in an accident the insurance company may doubt your checkup, and it is, in practice, be sure to doubt, that comes into play "recourse liability" (The insurance company is required to pay monetary compensation to the affected person, but then direct recourse owner policy CTP with inactive diagnostic card, guided by subparagraph "i" of paragraph 1 of Article 14 of the Law on Compulsory "right of recourse").


It is of course a personal decision, you can appeal to common sense, conscience, morality. The main idea was and remains to be - road safety and no one wants to take part in the accident. I hope no one I do not like when a neighbor smokes flow so that a mist is jealous, or "oncoming" shining so that it is ready your eyeballs in the glove compartment to hide. Twenty minutes per year can be paid to the verification of the car and be sure that the car is in good condition and will not create dangerous situations on the road.


Questions added? A must have on the contrary, reduced to one, is not it? To the question "Where to pass inspection?".


We always condemn certain personalities phrase "stole ...", so let's all together will select the opportunity to steal from these Bender, will not buy fake papers, will be taking care of yourself and others, make the roads safe together!

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