UCEPS AT|Testing and Certification|Inspection and insurance|Tahografe and GLONASS|The LIC plate and sprts designed|Examination, ATP, ADR|Калькулятор ЭПТС

Re-inspection will be free of charge


The history of the free service

In 2012, 2013 and 2014 we have already introduced this capability - re-inspection was carried out free of charge to customers who paid for services for inspection and re-referred to us within 20 days after payment. However, this possibility always had the form of special offers, promotions and had a finite period of time - several weeks or months.

Re-inspection - free

With 10.12.2015 and forever

Now and forever: if you come to us for technical examination and made a charge for this service, but for some technical reason your vehicle does not meet safety requirements, and we can not give you a diagnostic card with a positive decision, you have 20 calendar days to remedy: within 20 calendar days, you may re-apply to us and to pass inspection in the scope corresponding to the initial violations and obtain a positive diagnostic card for free!

Free inspection

A gesture of good will

This service - "re-inspection free" is not our responsibility as the operator of technical inspection (by law we have the right to take money for it), but just a goodwill gesture - we respect our clients and want our clients also belonged to us.

All of our clients, we suggest to often visit our website and explore news and special offers Ledger UCEPS at: we regularly carry out various promotions and special offers published. Join our group Vkontakte http://vk.com/uceps and receive all necessary information to social networks - convenient and easy!

To schedule an inspection online

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