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Geography field technical inspection

As we said in our previous articles, the service field inspection is popular. We won't brag and tell what we are "white and fluffy", but just tell, who often use our services.

The economy must be economical

The inspection of services used by those who know how to count money

Statistics, taking into account the 6 years of our successful work in the framework of field inspection showed one interesting trend: our service is most often used two groups of regular customers.

The first group is the owners of private companies with significant fleet: construction companies; companies connected with aviation; oil and gas companies. Deep trend analysis showed that the major motives in the choice of field inspection were: economic benefits, increased efficiency and the provision of quality services. It is understandable! The owners of large wealthy companies can count money - and owners of large companies. However, obvious and the second trend is big business is also responsible and, therefore, the quality inspection for them not an empty phrase. I won't surprise anyone and will not be offended if you say "paper" (a diagnostic map) can be bought at almost every street corner here that this approach be afraid of business because they do not benefit anyone "fool" and they pass inspection for safety, not for show.

Public company

Monitor your own spending

The second group is the leaders or the responsible management of large public companies with a large fleet of vehicles. Why are they coming to us? Yes it is very easy! For anybody not a secret that public companies spend public money under strict supervision. The main condition for payment of services and works at the company state the existence of a competitive procedure that facilitates the selection of the most efficient and cost-effective procedure. Not every item of inspection has competent professionals, capable of participating in complex bidding procedures. We, fortunately, such experts exist.

Fly in the ointment

In a barrel of honey

Of course we should not forget about ordinary motorists, but their share is constantly falling, and whether it is possible to consider the increase in "gray" inspections - which like as is, but it seems like no...

From the Crimea to Vladivostok

And from Murmansk to Sochi

We have, in fact, carried out the inspection in almost all cities and towns of Sverdlovsk region, have traveled to Tyumen, Chelyabinsk, Kurgan region, Perm region, republics of Tatarstan and Bashkortostan, we went to Vladivostok, Moscow. We worked in the Crimea! Please call our head of point inspection and learn the detailed geography of our activity point.

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