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Inspection and insurance - Savosin Valeriy Semenovich

Savosin Valeriy Semenovich

Savosin Valeriy Semenovich

The independent expert on tyres for wheeled vehicles

Telephone: +7 (343) 286-43-99

The independent expert on tyres for wheeled vehicles, member of the Board – head of the direction of tire repair, tire studding NP SRO "Ural Association of the enterprises of automobile business" (Orapa), Honored inventor of the Russian Federation.

+7 (343) 286-43-99 []

The independent expert on tyres for wheeled vehicles, member of the Board – head of the direction of tire repair, tire studding NP SRO "Ural Association of the enterprises of automobile business" (Orapa), Honored inventor of the Russian Federation.

"From 4 April 2017 in Russia there are changes in road rules that relate to the presence of the mark "Spikes" on the cars. Drivers suddenly had to think of a triangle with a big letter "W" of which, however, is not always told in the post-Soviet schools, although the requirement of the sign had long ago. Just all of them neglected. And is it important? "

Sign Thorns and the new rules of the road: what you need to know?

"Installation on the car winter tires with special tread pattern, with spikes chains (spiked) or without (studless), helps to avoid slushplaning — a temporary interruption of the contact of tyres with road. "

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