UCEPS AT|Testing and Certification|Inspection and insurance|Tahografe and GLONASS|The LIC plate and sprts designed|Examination, ATP, ADR|Калькулятор ЭПТС

Inspection and insurance - Aleksandrov Vladimir A.

Aleksandrov Vladimir A.

Aleksandrov Vladimir A.

The head of the Department of changes in the design of vehicles

Telephone: +7 (343) 286-43-99    [117]

The head of the Department of changes in the design of vehicles

+7 (343) 286-43-99 [117]

The head of the Department of changes in the design of vehicles

"The testing laboratory IL "URALTEKH" is accredited to carry out works for applying additional marking (number of record in the registry of accredited persons No. RA.EN.21HO18, a unique identification number that is specified in the unified register of bodies for the conformity assessment of the Eurasian economic Union 32983). "

Applying additional (police) marking on the vehicle.

"Road safety depends on different reasons. Nowadays many of the world's research on the problems of road safety. The relationship of the various types of security and inconsistency of the requirements for the design of the car, forced to make trade-off decisions when considering possible changes to the vehicles design. "

Changes in vehicle design – some issues: For or against?

"The stability of a moving vehicle depends on the following factors: the mass of the car, height of its center of gravity, base of the gauge; tire size, design and condition; radii of curvature of roads and the condition of the ground surface; design and condition of the brakes; the speed and direction of movement; ability to operate a motor vehicle. "

This is important

"Some information for professionals in the field of transportation of dangerous goods. Each loading unit containing dangerous goods must "