UCEPS AT|Testing and Certification|Inspection and insurance|Tahografe and GLONASS|The LIC plate and sprts designed|Examination, ATP, ADR|Калькулятор ЭПТС

Changes on the date of passing of technical inspection

From April 1, 2020, entered into force important changes in the procedure of inspection.


In order to minimize costs of businesses and citizens in the field of technical inspection of vehicles on the background of the pandemic COVID-19 adopted Federal law dated April 1, 2020 No. 98-FZ "On amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation", which amended Federal law No. 170-FZ of 1.07. 2011 "On technical inspection of vehicles..." and № 122-FZ from 6.06.2019 G. "On making amendments...".

From 01 April 2020, entered into force changes on the date of passing of technical inspection of vehicles depending on their category and year of release.

Now the inspection (S) required:

1. Motorcycles (category L):

- up to 4 years with a year – pass THAT is not required;

- with 4 to 10 year – 1 every 2 years;

- more than 10 years of age motorcycle – 1 time per year.


2. Cars and trucks with GVW up to 3500 kg (categories M1 and N1):

- up to 4 years with a year – pass THAT is not required;

- with 4 to 10 year – 1 every 2 years;

- more than 10 years of age – 1 times a year.


For cars to use in the cab are set as the timing of the passage:

- up to 5 years year – 1 year;

- more than 5 years year – 1 every 6 months.


3. For lorries and buses (categories M2, M3, N2, N3):

- up to 5 years year – 1 year;

- more than 5 years year – 1 every 6 months.


4. For trailers and semi-trailers (categories O1, O2, O3, O4):

- up to 4 years with a year – pass not required;

- with 4 to 10 year – 1 every 2 years;

- over 10 years – 1 time per year


For vehicles carrying dangerous goods maintenance – 1 every 6 months regardless of the year of issue.


 The introduction of the requirements for the photographic images of procedure of checkup of vehicles, the design of diagnostic card in the form of an electronic document, the introduction of the state control (supervision) in the organization and holding of THE postponed to March 1, 2021.