UCEPS AT|Testing and Certification|Inspection and insurance|Tahografe and GLONASS|The LIC plate and sprts designed|Examination, ATP, ADR|Калькулятор ЭПТС

Inspection and insurance - May 2018

News for the selected period of Found… We offer the most interesting read.

  • The group of companies UCEPS at has moved to a new office

    The group of companies UCEPS at has finally moved into a new office at the address: Ekaterinburg, street Krupnosortnom 14 …

  • New monomer 10 minutes in Yekaterinburg

    While waiting, I learned that for ATVs and snowmobiles is also a small room entered, and not as previously, "tractor", which is even more old motorcycle. Their manufacture in the near future will be engaged, so that the "extremists" please, change is not something that "spade" as a Moto, a "laptime" tractor in a small room in size as the new Moto, just the location of the characters more. …

  • With The New 2018!

    May all the wish – happens conceived – materialize, unfulfilled – come true! Happy New Year! …


    Long ago, in a far, far away company ... The website was created ... …

  • The most frequent causes of failure of the tachograph

    Is not a secret that the Russian tachographs, whether with or without CDSS, (mercury, Stroke, Kasbi, ATOL and others) very often fail for unknown reasons, and the operation of a vehicle with an inoperative tachograph is punishable by a fine as the driver and the company. …

  • 10 years of the company

    "A full range of services in transportation!" - the slogan of our company. And these are not empty words and meaningful phrase that reflects the enthusiasm and professionalism of the team to resolve any consumer issues. …