News for the selected period of Found… We offer the most interesting read.
In Russia it is legal to make changes to the design of the machine
Examination, ATP, ADRHow is it to obtain a certificate of conformity vehicle design requirements road safety? …
The establishment of the ILE to the CDE CU
Testing and CertificationThe establishment of limited liability company "Testing laboratory of the Centre for development and homologation vehicles" (ILLUSTRATION to the CDE CU) …
Souvenirs in the form of car numbers
The LIC plate and sprts designedEach of us are faced in life with the problem of what to give their friend or family member, who, in our opinion is all. …
The necessity of introduction of QMS
UCEPS ATThe interaction of employees is the most important factor for any organization to all employees are competent, empowered and engaged in creating value. …
Opening a new office and testing laboratory
Testing and Certification1 June 2007 opened a new office and testing laboratory UCEPS at …
УЦЭПС нацелен на Космос!
The LIC plate and sprts designed…
Recovery of lost and stolen license plates
The LIC plate and sprts designed29.10.2013. October 15 we restore lost or stolen license plates! …
Happy New year 2016!
UCEPS AT16.12.2015. The team at UCAPS congratulates friends, colleagues and clients a happy holiday. …
Register vehicle manufacturers | UCEPS at Group of companies
Testing and CertificationAs you know, every vehicle manufacturer prepares the vehicle passport (PTS), and tractors, self-propelled vehicles, snowmobiles, etc. – passport self-propelled machines and other types of machines (PSM). …