A car that has been converted (even slightly) and these changes are not registered in due course in traffic police bodies, can not move on public roads, as it is prohibited by the laws and by-laws that are in force. The owner of such a vehicle is required to perform the appropriate procedure.
As a result, traffic police officers have the right to prohibit the operation of a "tuning" car and oblige the owner to make changes to the design of the vehicle, in accordance with the current regulations, or to dismantle non-factory components and components from the car. Otherwise, the owner of the car is threatened with the cancellation of the registration of the vehicle, the design of which was amended, not provided by the manufacturer.
Here is the list of tuning components of the car, for not legal installation of which can prohibit the operation of the car on public roads:
- Suspension and its components;
- Bumper;
- Not standard wheel arches;
- Flaps;
- Additional external lighting;
- Roof racks;
- Kangaroo;
- Coupling devices;
This is only part of the list of non-standard equipment, for the illegal installation of which the owner of the car can be held accountable, as well as lose registration of the vehicle in the traffic police.
"Amendments to the design of the vehicle" - the exclusion of the components or items not provided for by the design of a particular vehicle, made after the release of the vehicle into circulation and affecting the safety of the road.
That is, most drivers who installed any non-factory component on the car risk being brought to administrative responsibility.
For example, owners of SUVs like to install a reinforced (expeditionary) trunk on the roof, and on the front of the vehicle a winch, to dismantle regular bumpers and install reinforced ones. According to the current legislation, these parts of the vehicle are components of the TS and are subject to mandatory certification and a similar change in the design of the vehicle must be properly issued by the State Traffic Police. Accordingly, it should be understood that bumpers, trunks, etc., made for an eye, on laps in garages, or purchased without appropriate documents and markings are outlawed, the installation of such non-certified components is prohibited.
Many car owners prefer to install wide disks and rubber instead of the regular factory drives. As a rule, for this purpose special spacers are installed on the wheel hubs. In addition, it is not uncommon for tuning enthusiasts to install spacers under suspension springs in order to increase the vehicle's ground clearance. Such changes in the design are not safe. For example, the hub spacings increase the turning radius of the car, when both the spacers under the springs of the racks increase the risk of tipping the vehicle.
Installing larger wheels instead of standard wheels results in a difference in the actual vehicle speed and the speedometer reading. The readings of the standard speedometer will always be less than the actual speed, and this is safety, fines and other unpleasant consequences. Exit from this situation is found, you need to calibrate the speedometer equipment and check the compliance of the speedometer readings and the actual speed. Specialists of the testing laboratory "DD TS", which is part of the group of companies "UCEPS AT", conduct such verification with the help of special equipment, and issue the relevant document.
The State Traffic Inspectorate of the Russian Federation intensified the fight against the detection of cars with illegal tuning on the roads. According to the requirements of the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union (section 4 chapter V) "On the safety of wheeled vehicles" in the event of a change in the design of the car, its owner is obliged to conduct preliminary technical expertise and safety testing of the vehicle structure after its modernization (tuning). Such inspections and examinations are possible only by accredited testing laboratories that are included in the Unified Register of organizations that carry out certification and testing in the territory of the Customs Union.
A single register of certification bodies and testing laboratories of the Customs Union can be viewed on the official website of the Eurasian Economic Commission. Here is the address of the official website: http://www.eurasiancommission.org/ (section of the Department of Technical Regulation and Accreditation of the Eurasian Economic Commission). In this section you can also get acquainted with other important documents on the issue of road safety and the operation of vehicles in the territory of the Customs Union.
The testing laboratory "DDT TS", which in
How to make a reinforced bumper or trunk of the car – SUV