UCEPS AT|Testing and Certification|Inspection and insurance|Tahografe and GLONASS|The LIC plate and sprts designed|Examination, ATP, ADR|Калькулятор ЭПТС

Inspection of vehicles according to the requirements of the SPS

In early December of last year on a platform FBU "Uraltest" held an extended meeting on the transport of perishable foodstuffs by road (PCA), on which the representative of "Termogarant" was announced the creation of the item inspection of vehicles on the requirements of ATP we have in the Sverdlovsk region.

On the eve of the commission conducted an audit of the Ministry of Transport of the item on compliance requirements and gave a positive opinion. And so, it happened! The first and only in the Urals Federal District item TC examination on the requirements of ATP is registered in the register of the FBU "ROSAVTOTRANS". Now, local carriers and transporters of the surrounding areas, as well as transients, will be able to inspect the thermal efficiency of the equipment and checking the insulating capacity in operation of refrigerated, mechanically refrigerated or heated equipment, in our region. Currently, the roster of experts are points in 15 regions of the Russian Federation.

Now a little about the item and its work. Point is located near Yekaterinburg, near the EKAD, allowing hassle-free and traffic jams to get to him heavy trucks. points Address: Aramil, ul. October, 173 survey points coordinated by the company "Directorate UTSEPS", which is the regional representative of "Termogarant" in Ekaterinburg and the Sverdlovsk region.

Vehicle inspection point specialists provide the whole range of works on the inspection and testing of special vehicles in accordance with the Agreement on the International Carriage of Perishable Foodstuffs and on the Special Equipment to be Used for such Carriage, signed in Geneva on 1 September 1970 (SPS):


1. Metrological checking termoregistratorov;

2. Checking the insulating capacity of vehicles in operation (for b / isothermal TC);

3. Determination of the efficiency of thermal equipment in service of refrigerated, mechanically refrigerated or heated equipment;

4. Preparation and submission of documents to the FBU "ROSAVTOTRANS" to further obtain an ATP certificate for authorization of the customer;

5. Confirmation of the insulating capacity of the wagon when making changes to the vehicle design for registration body type changes in the registration documents.


Recall that from January 1, 2016 to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs engaged in the transport of perishable goods by road in city, suburban and intercity communication, you must obtain a certificate of compliance with the standards set out in the SPS Agreement.

Currently active is the procedure adoption of the Federal Law on Amendments to the Russian Federation Code of Administrative Offences of the establishment of administrative responsibility for violation of rules of transportation of perishable foodstuffs. In a short time this law will be adopted and come into force. And believe me, the fines are not small! Many carriers of perishable foodstuffs is already taken care of the preparation of an ATP certificate, and feel confident in the transport market road transport, both in terms of competition and in terms of administrative responsibility.

We are waiting for you and are always happy to help with any questions!


To make an application and receive advice should contact us by phone:

8 (343) 286-43-99 - Department of technical expertise;

+7 912-211-82-18 - Head of SPS direction.

Or come to our office at the address: Ekaterinburg, ul. Krupnosortschikov, 14, of. 314.


Make a request online is possible on the site: www.reftest.ru

Or call the main office by phone:

Phone: 8 (495) 496-90-12;

Mobile phone: 8 (968) 054-07-04.