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Seminar Transport safety 2016

Self-regulatory organization Non-Profit Partnership "The Urals association of enterprises of the automotive business" (SRO NP "UrAPAB") together with the FBU "ROSAVTOTRANS" the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, with the support of Office of Public Prosecutor of the Sverdlovsk region, the Office of the FSB of Russia for the Sverdlovsk Region, the Scientific and Methodological Center, Ural Alliance automotive businesses (NMC URAPAB-INFO) are holding a seminar "Transport security".

Main issues of the seminar:

  • Questions of state regulation on the implementation of measures to ensure transport safety in the road sector;
  • Practical questions of optimization work on the implementation of the requirements of the Federal Law "On transport security" (16-FL);
  • Security of transport infrastructure and vehicles from acts of unlawful interference.

For the seminar invited the leaders of transport companies, the officials responsible for ensuring transport security enterprises of motor transport sphere, representatives of specialized organizations to conduct vulnerability assessments VTI and TC officials of state control and supervision in the sphere of transport, representatives of educational institutions that provide knowledge on transport security.

The main objective of the workshop is to exchange information, discuss problems and establish cooperation in the field of transport safety.

The workshop will be held on April 28th 2016. In the conference hall of Hotel "Oktyabrskaya", Mr. Ekaterinburg, ul. Sofia Kovalevskaya, 17. Seminar Time: from 9:00 to 16:00.

Participants will receive a certificate of seminar participant and the document of professional development in the field of transport safety.




09:00 - 10:00

Registration of participants

10:00 - 10:10

Opening of the seminar.

10:10 - 11:00

Requirements of the legislation in terms of execution of the Federal Law № 16 "On transport security"
Presentations by representatives of state control and supervision bodies
Introduction to the subject. Goals, objectives, information and methodical seminar.
An overview of the state of legal and regulatory issues of creating a system to ensure transport safety measures

11:00 - 11:30

Requirements to ensure transport safety, given the levels of security for different categories of transport infrastructure and vehicles. Questions of practical implementation of the requirements.

11:30 - 12:30

Practical session: "Measures to be implemented in the transport infrastructure vulnerability assessment prior to approval and transport security plan."
- Preparation of requests for transport safety (on the recognition of same type of vehicles, the assignment of category and others.);
- Publication on transport safety orders;
- Instructions (position) on the crossing and intrabuilding mode;
- Regulatory requirements, recommendations for development.
- The main planning documents in the field of transport safety.
- The procedure for employees of the Transportation Security units of the annual medical examination provided for in Article 12.3 of the Federal Law of 9 February 2007 № 16-FZ "On transport security"

12:30 - 13:00

Break (coffee break)

13:00 - 13:30

Implementation of the requirements of legislation of the Russian Federation in matters on drafting, approval of vulnerability assessment reports, and transport security plans.

13:30 - 14:00

Algorithm development:
- Vulnerability VTI and TC reports
- Plan for the Transportation Security VTI and TC.
- Requirements for the content of the report on the assessment of vulnerability;
- Requirements to the content of the plan to ensure transport safety;
- Major issues that may arise during the development and ways of their solution;

14:00 - 14:30

Assessment of the vulnerability of transport infrastructure and vehicles.
Features of a public contract. The main content of the work. Features of preparation of technical specifications for works on vulnerability assessment.

14:30 - 15:00

Regulatory and normative technical regulations in the field of transport infrastructure equipment and vehicles

15:00 - 16:00

Summing up the results of the seminar

Composition Lecturer:

FSB spokesman for the Sverdlovsk Region

The representative of the Prosecutor's Office of the Sverdlovsk region

GU MVD of Russia in Sverdlovsk region

FGBU representative of the Ministry of Road Transport

Representative UGAN NOTB UFO "Rostransnadzora", Ekaterinburg

The representative of the Ministry of Transport and Communication of the Sverdlovsk region

The representative of the Sverdlovsk Region Ministry of Health

VPO "Ural State Forestry University"

A representative of a specialized organization for the VTI and TC vulnerability assessment LLC "Directorate UTSEPS"

Organizer and moderator of the seminar:

Grinkevich Ilya H.:

Executive Director of the self-regulating organization Non-Profit Partnership " Ural Association of automobile business enterprises " (SRO NP "UrAPAB")

Birindeev Victor:

Director GC UTSEPS AT , Ekaterinburg

All participants receive a certificate of the participant of the seminar.

Trust fee per participant - 1 450,00 rubles. (RF), not subject to VAT. This price includes the costs of organizing and conducting seminars, training and printing of handouts, coffee breaks during the seminar, etc.

To participate in the seminar it is necessary, as soon as possible, notify the SRO NP "UrAPAB" organization name and surname of the participant.


Phone: +7 (343) 286-43-99

Responsible experts:

Evgeny Kuznetsov G.

Fabrikant Oleg