UCEPS AT|Testing and Certification|Inspection and insurance|Tahografe and GLONASS|The LIC plate and sprts designed|Examination, ATP, ADR|Калькулятор ЭПТС

How I converted my car to gas

One day I had an idea what to put on your car engine equipment for gaseous fuels supply (HBO). I myself have lived all his life in Ekaterinburg, a native Uralets, and have never encountered this sort of thing.

Now I had to figure out where to start? We live in the twenty-first century and to help, of course, came the Internet.

The long search for answers to their questions was not necessary. Company Website UTSEPS AT quite affordable given the answers to all my questions. The site has a step by step guide for motorists, affordable even for "dummies" like me. So began.

I call the phone numbers listed on the site. A young voice, but rather a competent officer gave exhaustive answers to all questions.

Drove to office UTSEPS AT, at ul. Krupnosortschikov, 14, office 313, provided documents on the machine (vehicle passport, a certificate of registration, a passport) and literally within 30 minutes received the opinion of the preliminary technical expertise for bringing in the traffic police. I paid 6000 rubles here in cash. I was told about the operating requirements of today to the car, to the documents shown in the example, which documents do I have to give in the service station. In short, to explain everything!

On his car he drove to travel Driving, 20 of the 201st's office. Traffic police officers inspected my car, made a reconciliation of numbers, then in a statement made for the conversion of a mark that can perform the work.

I found an organization that is engaged in the installation of HBO on the cars to know what there is equipment available, look documents. Execute the contract for the provision of services. At the appointed time has come to pick up the car. I get your hands on the manufacturer works on the installation of HBO following documents:

1. Certified copies of certificates of conformity by the seller:

- For individual pieces of equipment - according to UNECE Regulation number 67 and number 110;

- The type of gas cylinder system as a whole for the corresponding family of vehicles - UNECE Regulation number 115;

(When I checked the availability of certificates on HBO and their compliance with the above requirements on the website of the Federal Service for accreditation -

2. The statement - a declaration producer works to amend the vehicle structure where information can be found:

- Progress in accordance with established rules,

- Checking the tightness and pressure testing the power system,

- To conduct periodic testing equipment for motor supply gaseous fuels

- Of compliance with the maximum permissible content of carbon monoxide (CO) in the exhaust gases of the vehicle requirements of Annex № 8 to the Technical Regulations TR CU 018/2011 "On the safety of wheeled vehicles";

3. A copy of the certificate of service centers, that he has the right to carry out such work.

After the service went to his car to pass technical inspection . This procedure is mandatory, even if you have a current inspection on the car.

In order not to waste time, come back on the street. Krupnosortschikov, 14, there, in the box number 100 (on the back side of the building), I conducted a technical inspection. Quickly, efficiently, most importantly, without queues and hassle. Technical experts polite, competent. Yes, and I always kept the car in good condition, so everything went like clockwork. Asked to invite a staff member who is engaged in registration of technical expertise following protocol conversion, together with a technical expert, they once again inspected the car, checked the documents and was invited to the office for registration of the final document.

Waiting did not last long, the time elapsed is not noticeable. I watched, sitting on the couch, the rollers on the automotive theme, a special monitor, learned a lot about the company UTSEPS AT. Conveniently, when the voice message and SMS notification informed me that my documents are ready, and I can pick them up. Paying in cash 6 000 rubles, I went with a package of all the documents back into the traffic, travel The driver, 20, in the 201 th office.

In traffic I have no problem, because I pre-registered for online public services - www.gosuslugi.ru.

Bottom line: I do not want to sing the praises or anyone, but in my case I was lucky that I met polite, competent staff of all the organizations with whom it was necessary to meet during my epic HBO installation on my car. UTSEPS communication with employees, service and oddly enough traffic Ekaterinburg.


Viktor Lapshin, Grateful client