UCEPS AT|Testing and Certification|Inspection and insurance|Tahografe and GLONASS|The LIC plate and sprts designed|Examination, ATP, ADR|Калькулятор ЭПТС

Manufacturer of lost and stolen numbers

What to do if the car license plate was stolen?

Unfortunately, these issues sometimes arise the owner of the car.

The reasons may be different, but if you lose the license plates need them as soon as possible to restore because travel on the roads without them is prohibited. We note immediately that at present the presentation of the vehicle for verification of the data to the appropriate division of the State traffic police is not required. Defined in paragraph 16 of the Administrative regulations of the Ministry of internal Affairs of the Russian Federation of execution of the state function on registration of motor vehicles and trailers, approved by order of the Ministry of internal Affairs of the Russian Federation dated 24.11.2008, № 1001 "On the procedure of registration of vehicles".

Manufacturer of lost and stolen numbers

On October 15, 2013 a new regulation restoring the lost and the lost road signs. According to which, our company as a manufacturer, having all the necessary documents and equipment, began to make duplicates of lost and stolen license plates.

Applying to our company you will be able to save your time, because the duplicate takes only 20 minutes. Manufacturing technology provides for the issuance of the state rooms on modern high-precision equipment.

In accordance with the new regulations, the registration of the vehicle for the first time provided the possibility of obtaining duplicates of lost or stolen signs. Before the release of the aforementioned Order in case of loss of the sign arose the need for new numbers, not their duplicates. Since the entry into force of the updated regulation, i.e. as of 15 October, all car owners enough to seek help in appropriate with permission to manufacturing of duplicates of the state rooms, company. The regulation applies to all regions of Russia, it does not matter where it was lost or stolen room.

Duplicates, lost and stolen rooms are made according to all legal requirements in coordination with the traffic police.

If you have lost one or both of the registration plate, You can simply contact our company and within 15 minutes you will make the necessary duplicates of rooms.

To do this the owner must have a personal passport, the Passport of a vehicle (PTS) certificate of registration of the vehicle.

If restoring license plates does not, the owner himself, and his representative, it is also necessary to have at itself notarially certified power of attorney for the implementation of those selections.

We make duplicates of license plates as pairs or one by one!

A report stating the state registration of the sign do not have to provide enough of a handwritten power of attorney.