UCEPS AT|Testing and Certification|Inspection and insurance|Tahografe and GLONASS|The LIC plate and sprts designed|Examination, ATP, ADR|Калькулятор ЭПТС

Day of workers of consumer services

We congratulate our colleagues on the holiday!

March 20, 2016 is the Day of workers of public services.

Team GC at UCAPS congratulated on their professional holiday colleagues and all workers and entrepreneurs who are associated with this industry!

In anticipation of the holiday in "Yeltsin Centre" in Ekaterinburg took place the award ceremony honored employees and veterans of the industry, organized by the Ministry of agriculture and food of the Sverdlovsk region.

Particularly pleased that among the employees of the group UCEPS at the organizers said Grinkevich, Ilya Genrikhovich, head of education and head of the certification Body services of maintenance and repair of motor vehicles, which was awarded letter of thanks of Legislative Assembly of Sverdlovsk region for long-term honest work and high professionalism.

We congratulate Ilya G. with this award!

Also, the Minister of agriculture and food of the Sverdlovsk region expressed gratitude for our veterans and mentors - Savosina Valery S. Chernikov and Viktor Vasilyevich, who to this day take an active part in the life of our team.

Congratulations to our valued retirees and wish them good health, happiness and prosperity!

The festive program included an awards ceremony, performances and reception for guests. Were noted all sectors of consumer services, noted labor dynasties in different areas.

There are people that care about us,

They work hard famous,

And know that every day and hour

We rescued our life!

They work, the better we lived,

They are soldiers domestic front,

Their main task to be managed

Us to provide the ultimate comfort!

In the yard, or heat, watch,

Machine on the go and perfect pants

Thank you for your decent work,

For your assistance, Golden hands!


No accident shown here, these lines. They reflect gratitude and respect to the employees that improve our lives.

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