UCEPS AT|Testing and Certification|Inspection and insurance|Tahografe and GLONASS|The LIC plate and sprts designed|Examination, ATP, ADR|Калькулятор ЭПТС

Inspection and insurance - December 2009

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  • Dear girls, we congratulate You on March 8!

    We wish you a timeless beauty, tenderness and love. Let your dreams come true and every new day brings only joy and smiles! …


    For the first quarter of 2018, according to the register of the Federal service for accreditation in the country issued more than thirty four thousand registered certificates and more than two hundred thousand declarations of conformity for different types of products. …

  • Seminar Transport safety 2016

    Self-regulatory organization noncommercial partnership "the Ural Association of the enterprises of automobile business" (SRO NP "Orapub") jointly with the FBI "Rosavtotrans" of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, with the support of the Prosecutor's office of Sverdlovsk region Department of the FSB of Russia in Sverdlovsk region, Scientific and methodical center of the Ural Alliance of automotive business (NMCs ORAPUB-INFORM) conduct the seminar "Transport safety" …