News for the selected period of Found… We offer the most interesting read.
Multi-channel number +7 (343) 286-43-99
UCEPS ATWe have changed the phone number! The new multi-channel number: +7 (343) 286-43-99 …
Opening a new office and testing laboratory
Testing and Certification1 June 2007 opened a new office and testing laboratory UCEPS at …
With the day of workers of motor transport!
UCEPS ATDear friends and colleagues! We wish you strong health, stable professional development, fresh ideas, safe cars and roads! …
Trust but verify
UCEPS ATInstallation on the car winter tires with special tread pattern, with spikes chains (spiked) or without (studless), helps to avoid slushplaning — a temporary interruption of the contact of tyres with road. …
The creation of SRO NP ORAPUB
UCEPS ATThe creation of a self-regulatory organization Nonprofit partnership "the Ural Association of the enterprises of automobile business" - SRO NP ORAPUB in July 2010 …
Expanding the network of representative offices throughout Russia
UCEPS ATOur company has expanded the network of offices for 2006 to 8. Now in different regions we have 14 offices …
The PCA will replace the insurance policies
Dangerous goodsJuly 1, 2016 will be the issuance of insurance policies on the forms of the new sample. …
Mandatory optional technical inspection | UCEPS AT Group of Companies
Inspection and insuranceFines for the lack of technical inspection will be issued automatically using cameras for photo and video recording of violations. And on the road, if a traffic police officer, during visual inspection of your car, reveals obvious technical malfunctions, then in the absence of a valid diagnostic card, you will be fined 2,000 rubles. …
CertificationMore details on the declaration of products …